The Vietnam War Years of

Korat Royal Thai Air Base

Updated: October, 2022

*And because of the entry below, I heard from Doug Anderson, the son of Roscoe E. Anderson for whom our favorite dog is named.  Please read his comments on Roscoe's page.  November 20, 2008. 

*Received a nice email about Roscoe and Ross Anderson from Tim Dold.  Published on the Roscoe page November 11, 2008.

*David Pipher, 553rd Recon Squardron, sent photos from his time in Korat in 68-69.  Added November 8, 2008; updated November 25, 2008.

*Bane Lyle, Thud Pilot, sent in a new picture of our favorite K9, Roscoe plus a few others.  Added October 24, 2008.

*Greg Randall, part of the 552nd AEW&C in 1968 & 1970, sent along some of his photos for all to see! Added August, 2008.

*Added 3 "stickers" that Vincent Scungio Jr. sent me to his page.  Added July 30, 2008.

*Added a Talkinator Chat Box on the Communicate Page.  Let's see what happens when a couple of folks visit at the same time and chat.  Arrange to meet some Korat pal(s) there at a predefined time and "talk"! Added July 28, 2008

*Rich Kopf sent a couple of vintage looking (read: well traveled!) photos from his time at Korat.  Added July 8, 2008.

*Bob Wood (388th OMS) has his photos and patches online.  Added May 23, 2008.

* Vincent Scungio Jr, son of Maj. Vincent Scungio, MIA Nov. 4, 1966, started by providing information I had requested on a couple of patches.  He is now sending more patches and photos of the 13th TFS and the Wild Weasels. His page is online.  May 19, 2008

*Updated Roscoe's page again as Jim Traywick provided updated photos of Roscoe's Memorial on base at Korat in 2007.  May 1, 2008.

*Updated the Roscoe page after "meeting" Charley Holton (via Dave McNeil and friends) and getting personal information about Roscoe and Ray Lewis.  April 12, 2008

*Added a Reunions page.  Send me info to post if you want to publicize your event.  Added March 16, 2008

*David Adams, 388th SPS K-9, sent photos of his fellow K-9 teams at work.  More to come.  Added March 15, 2008

*Rodney Spader sent in 55 photos from his tour at Korat (71-72) with 388th SPS.  Feb. 27, 2008.

*Dennis Haney checked in with updated info about the TDY of the 67th TFS in 1972. Thanks Denny! Feb. 26, 2008

*Added another Joseph Hostetter video clip from his home movies. Feb. 23, 2008.

*I added 4 video clips taken from John Allen's Korat 8mm movies that I had on video tape.  John worked in the Munitions Storage Area (MSA) otherwise called the Bomb Dump.  Feb. 22,2008.

*Laird Worsham started sending his photos.  The first four are online now.  Laird was with the 388th SPS in 1972/3.  Posted Feb. 1, 2008.  Many more added Feb. 5, 2008.

*Joseph Hostetter provided me with a tape of his Korat "home movies".  Working with them to put a few clips online for your viewing pleasure.  Clip 1 is first.  Approx 2minutes 20 seconds in length, but the quality is marginal due to age and the original conversion from film to tape.  But given our age, it is probably clearer then some of our memories, eh people???? Clip 6 also added.  Posted: January 27, 2008

*More work on John Sari's photo page.  There are now approximately (I'm was too tired to count them all..) 134 photos here.  Because of the quantity, the page may load slowly, but the photos are worth it.  John said he has more slides to convert and we should see them in the near future.  January 27, 2008

* John Sari sent me over a hundred more photos from 1966.  Until I can put all of them on his page, I compiled a "movie" and converted it to use FLASH to play it.  To see it, go to the Audio/Video page and in the Video section, use the pulldown menu to select the J.F. Sari Jr. movie.  It is just under 10megabytes in size and runs 12 minutes.  Enjoy! More work ongoing with the video.  Posted January 24, 2008

*John Sari sent me some 1966 photos of signs of Christmas on base, plus a picture of John then. Added January 10, 2008.

*Working on the video page(s). Setting up separate pages for each video segment initially to be able to provide background info on segment.  This is a work in progress so please be patient.....  Posted January 8, 2008

*I added an audio-video page that now contains the audio bytes from Katie, and a test video movie I put together a couple of years ago.  All should be fine for Micro$oft IE browsers, but Firefox & MACs will be quirky for a while. Jan.2, 2008

*Katie Pletcher Meyers provided us with a Sawadee Flyer from December 6, 1975 (see link below).  She also provided me an audio tape of the Korat AFTN broadcasts from sometime in 1975 with two DJs (Suzanne Ritter and Rik DeLisle).  Added December 31, 2007

*Tom Patocka (out of Tamuning, Guam) provided some Sawadee Flyers from 1975/76! I have put together a page for the Flyers and hope to add to the page if you folks can find some "past" issues to contribute! Thanks Tom for getting it started. Find them in the Maps & Documents section. . October 13, 2007

*Eugene Molisee provided me via email (and via the Guestbook) with access to his Korat photos from 1967-68. Added August 17, 2007

*Tom Comparet sent some of his photos of EB-66 engine work and other assorted shots.  Added June 15, 2007

*Aaron DiCello sent this photo of the Change of Command flyover from 1970- Added May 20, 2007
*Marine MSgt Ed Gosselin provides new photos that compare 1960/70's photos to May 2007 while serving at Cobra Gold 2007 - Added May 19, 2007

* Otto Uebel sent another Karl Richter photo montage. Added to his page February 25, 2007
* Tom Pirkle alerted me that there was NO email address location on site. It is back in the Communicate page where it was before. February 17, 2007
* Don Noll sent some photos and is looking for his old buddies from "C" flight 388th SPS. January 31, 2007
* Come on troops! I need more of your photos to put online for others to share! It has been a while since new meat has come my way...Thanks! Bob Freitag 11/13/2006
* James E. 'Red' Shaver (my old Korat pal)renewed communications and sent some of his Korat photos. August 8, 2006
* Greg Nabors (Det.3) sent his Thailand photos (from 67/68) on his new page. April 29, 2006
* Jim Ahern sent a group of his Thailand photos taken in Korat, Bangkok and Chiang Mai that I have put on his new page. March 24, 2006

* Tom Segura sent in a group of his Korat patches that I have put (via a link) on the Patches page.  Feb.26, 2006

* Larry Anderson supplied his photos for his new page. September 14, 2005. 

* Cliff Hendrix sent his photos for his page. More to come! July 6, 2005. 

* Dave McNeil forwarded a correction concerning a photo on the Mo Seaver page. June 27, 2005. 

* Another Larry Mitchell patch, the 388th MMS patch. June 14, 2005. 

* I have more photos to Larry Mitchell's page, and one new "Short" patch on the patches page. May 31, 2005.

* I have been updating the video page (Super 8mm converted to video). Used Movie Maker to "produce" some movie shorts composed from this original film stock. 

* Sim Artice has joined us with his photo contribution.  March 18, 2005

* Dan Massola provided some more photos that I have added to his page, plus I rearranged his page. Feb. 6, 2005

* Larry Mitchell has provided some of his photos of Korat from the 1966-67 timeframe.  Please check them out on the Photo Directory page.  Thanks Larry!!  - January 2005

* Finally, we have some new stuff to show!! Bruce Lazarus came through with some very nice photos of 1966-1967 Korat RTAFB.  Hope to see more from the rest of you!! - Dec 14, 2004.

* Made small changes to the main index page so the users of Mozilla Firefox and other browsers can see all of the buttons.  12-9-2004

* Roscoe page update from Otto Uebel and friends - with 2 pictures.  10-31-2004

* It has been MONTHS!!!! since anyone has offered to send any more pictures....  PLEASE..all of you guys and gals who are visiting this site who spent time in Korat, consider sharing your photos with others....even if you see similar photos on the site, they don't have YOUR name attached to them.  When other visitors see this site, and see names of people they knew and worked with in Korat, it sometimes is the first step to reconnecting with them.  PLEASE help keep this site doesn't cost you anything but time.....Bob

* Added Questions on the Communicate page to be able to post pertinent questions from visitors.  July 18, 2004

* Added the Stories pageJune 13, 2004.  First story presented is "A Ridge Too Far" by Joe Lee Burns.  Hope to see more stories submitted!

* Added the Special Services Division's "Directory of Services" in the Documents & Maps page. May 11, 2004

* Received a photo and document from Gary Shanafelt along with some nice words about the site.  His page is

  now in the Photo Directory.  - May 7, 2004

* Fixed the broken links in the Guestbook page to the archived Guestbook entries in Adobe PDF format - April 4

* Added a patch from Larry Capsey on the Patches page.  - March 3.

* Added photos from Jim Gagnon and Richard Ford to Photo Directory. - Feb. 23

* Working on the Base Info page to add, correct, and update the information on the various components that
  made up the total organization on Korat.  Adding hyperlinks to information from the Air Force Historical Research
  Agency when applicable. - Feb. 20 and ongoing.

* Added the link to the Patches page that existed on the old site. - Feb. 20

* Fixed the links to the Roscoe page. - Feb. 20

* Added new photos from John Vitka, who was at Korat from November 67 to November 68 assigned to the
  388 MMS and the 469 FIS. He was the Load officer for the 469th.  He would also like to hear from anyone
  who remembers him. - Feb. 17

Posted: January 7, 2004       A little web research found for me a new virtual web hosting company.  I have acquired what I hope to be a solid, long term web relationship with the new provider, Canaca.  In a short period of time, most of the content from both of my existing sites will solely be on the new service.  The "front door" will still be the same as it has been since 1998, and all hot links will direct the visitor to the proper location.  For those of you who have set Bookmarks or Favorites to areas on the Annex site will soon find that they no longer work.  Simply return to the Main web page and use the new links to go to the new locations and set your new bookmarks there.  If you have any questions, problems or comments, please go to the COMMUNICATE page and send me an email.  Thanks and  Happy New Year 2004!   Cheers! Bob Freitag


Posted: December 30, 2003       Just in time for the new year, I have made some changes to many of the pages on this web site.  My goal was to make it faster and easier to get the viewer to the materials that they are interested in seeing.  The contents of the whole site reside on two different services that I pay for, and as of today, I close to the maximum disk space limit on both.  Should I receive more photos, I will look into changing providers to acquire more space.


I plan to start going over many of the existing photo pages and incorporating the new page structure for all, and hopefully this will also compress wasted space and free up a little in the process.  I am open to your comments and suggestions as they pretain to this site, and as always, I thank you for your continued support and visits, and especially for the many email comments that I have received from you! Happy New Year 2004!   Cheers! Bob Freitag


Posted: October 23, 2003   How many of you remember the numbers that were assigned to the buildings you worked, ate, shopped, prayed, slept in, et cetera.....? I am working on a very detailed base map that shows all the buildings on base as of 1972/73. I am incorporating active hyperlinks in it to display info or pictures when you "roll over a spot" with your mouse. The more info I have on building numbers, the better the map can be. A smaller version of the base map can be found in the KORAT BASE INFO link below. Any help or information that you can provide would greatly be appreciated!!! Other sections of the base will be added later ( flightline, MMS Bomb/Missile buildup area, etc.). Thanks!


Posted: October 23, 2002 and updated Nov. 29, 2002     Finally got my 400 feet of super 8mm film cleaned up, and converted to digital files. Am working on editing the two CDs of the transferred film. When finished, I will place small video clips somewhere on this site that you can view via your browser or media player. The quality isn't the best, but for something 30 years old, it is better than looking at non-moving photos! In looking at them, it sure makes me wish I had shot a lot more film, but each 50ft roll of super 8mm film only ran 4 minutes, and at 19 and 20 years old, I wasn't overly concerned about my camera technique. On the Korat Annex page now under Freitag video ....


Posted: September 24, 2002... New Adobe .pdf document placed on the Annex page. This document was given to In-processing personnel to the 388th MMS in 1970, and it shows the MMS squadron interest locations, as well as base facilities. Blue and Red bus schedules as well. You will need an Adobe Acrobat Reader ( Free from ) to view this document.


Posted: September 19, 2002 ...  A recent Guestbook entry asked about information on Norris F. (Fred) Bowers. I worked for Fred for one of the two years I was stationed in Korat. I only had one photo with him in it ( he really didn't care to be photographed as I remember, plus you didn't want to piss off your boss!), and his daughter saw it and asked if there are others out there who knew or worked for Fred. Especially wanted are photos that could be shared with us on this site as well as his surviving family. Please contact me at the email address on the lower section of this main page with your stories and / or photos. Thanks in advance! Bob

*Added an email note from MSgt Ed Gosselin, USMC (retired)

*Added Korat City photos to Doug Holmes photo page. (4/18/2022)

*Added photo page for Doug Holmes - TDY from Osan AB Korea 51st FMS. (3/16/2022)
*Added photo page for Thomas R. Madej - 388th MMS - Munitions Line Delivery (03/04/2018)

*Added photo page for John Sundstrom - 388th AMS Auto Pilot Shop. (05/04/2016)

*Added photo page for Dennis Lowden - RNZAF and added RNZAF stats to Base info page. (03/14/2016)

*Added Base Info stats for 35th & 36th TFS operating out of Yokota AB, Japan in 1964.  Terry Popravak 10/30/2015

*Added Fort Roundeye patches and photo, March and April 2015

*Added page for John Kobberstad, computer maintenance, March 72-73   01/12/2015

*Updated links page, and added AO links on the Documents & Maps page   05/17/2014

*Added 2 new photos to Stephen Hock's photo page.  11/16/2013

*Added photo page for Woodrow "Woody" McGee. 6234th - 1965-66    10/29/2013

*Added photo page for Stephen Hock, Det. 17, 601st Photo Flight  08/26/2013

*Added photo page for James Candito, 31st Field Hospital.  08/25/2013

*Added photo page for Steve Mullany, TDY to 388th AMS 1971.  08/24/2013

*Added photo page for Donald Barnes 3/16/2013. Updated it 05/27/2013.

*Updated links to AO page on Larry Westin's Batcat pages.

*Added 5 photos to Dave Ermark's page. 5/14/2012

*Added page for Gerry Young from 1965/66.
*Added page for David Ekmark.  Work in progress as more photos are coming in.  3-25-2012
*Added the 2011 Guestbook entries compilation PDF file to the Guestbook page. 1-27-2012

*Added Wayne Ayers, 6234 CES, webpage.  12/27/2011
*Put James Candito supplied patch on front page, and in the Patches section. 11/2/2011

*Added Armando Gonzales photo page. 11/2/2011

*Added Frank Erk photo page. 8/27/2011
*Added David Collins photo page. 8/18/2011

*Added a link to the AFTN website and added Ken Gilder's image of the AFTN uniform pin.  2/8/2011
*Spotlight photo is one of mine of our Weapons Release day crew circa 1971.  1-22-2011
*Added the 2010 Guestbook compilation on the Guestbook page. 1-22-2011
*Michael Hall sent a photo with some guys he is trying to identify.  10/31/2010
*Added some Agent Orange related information received via various sources. 10/31/2010

*Added Google Custom Search to the site. 8/1/2010.

*Jerry Gossett sent a photo of Suppamaut and Roscoe. 7/24/2010. - Finished his page - 7/31/2010.

*Ken Singer provided a personal memory about his experience with our favorite K9 Roscoe.  7/17/2010.

*Greg Ludtke sent a photo that he would like to have people identified in.  Added 4/25/2010

*Started adding content to the Propaganda Leaflets page. 4/18/2010

*Added a bio page and a couple more photos to McCubbins page. 4/18/2010.

*Added a photo of Capt. Roscoe Anderson to the Roscoe page 1 - 4/15/2010.

*Started to use what I call a Quickview display for photos on photo pages - comments welcomed.  4/11/2010.

*Also the first batch of photos from Rich McCubbins, an F-105 Wild Weasel EWO with the 6010th /17th WWS.  First batch posted. 4/10/2010

*Mike Barkley sent a CDROM with a LOT of assorted photos.  It will take a few days to get everything built and online but it is worth the effort.  Finished building Quickview pages 4/11/2010.

*Katie Meyers sent a photo of the Intel Ops group in front of Fort Apache - 1975.  Added 4/3/2010.

*Updating the website pages structure elements.  Some cosmetic and physical changes.  Some errors might crop up over the next week or so as I clean things up.  Patience is appreciated!  Bob  March 29, 2010
*Shane Stolte sent along a great photo from his father Bill's collection of the 100th Mission commemoration of Fred Tracy and Karl Richter.  Added 2-10-2010.  Also updated the Bill Stolte photo page and added names on the Richter-Tracy 100th photo - 2-19-2010. Added cropped close-up photo with updated names listing 3-17-2010.

*Robert Knetsch provided photos from his time at Korat, especially of the aftermath of one of the accidents in the Bomb Dump which caused a loss of life. Added February 24, 2010.  Added "In Memory of SSgt. Wilburn Vaught" page to Robert's page on Feb. 25, 2010.

*Ed Hopcus sent along his "Award" which is on the main page.  02-19-2010

*Added a new button and linked page displaying pilot "business cards".  My hope is to collect more cards/images of cards to add to the collection. February 2010.

*Jerry Kidwell sent a photo taken of him and TSgt. harold Smith in front of an A-7D in 1974.  December 15, 2009
* Steve White is looking for the Crew Chief for Maj. Bob Phillips from 1966.  The picture and email message is on the front page. Added October 26, 2009.
*Rick Fisher sent many photos from his time at Korat with the 1998th Comm Sqd in 1971.  In progress Sep. 27, 2009

*Andy Bevilacqua forwarded photos from the widow of his friend Rick Wheeler who died in 1996.  Some of the guys in the photos aren't named, and we'd like to put the names to the faces.  Sep. 26, 2009

*Jim Logan, a Wild Weasel EWO with the 44TFS in 68-69, sent along a recollection of Roscoe.  Aug. 29, 2009

*I contacted Richard LaBarre, WSO with the 34TFS, after he wrote in the Guestbook and he provided a couple photos.  Added August 26, 2009.

*Janet Lewis, through long time contributor and fact checker supreme Dave McNeil, provided some more early pictures of Roscoe and some clippings.  More to come.  Added July 7, 2009.

*Received communications from Peter Anderson about his big brother Capt. Roscoe E. Anderson.  His supplied a composition called " The Man Behind the Name Roscoe".  On the Roscoe page 1.  Added July 7, 2009.

*Tom Walker sent along his memories of the 1971 Korat Slow Pitch Software team and the championships.  Added June 14,2009.

*M.J. "Marty" McAvoy provided 21 photos from her time in Thailand. She had been in Takhli before being posted in Korat.  Added March 28, 2009.

*Andy Bevilacqua sent some more photos to add what he sent in 2001. Re-worked the page and posted March 28,2009.

* Fred Frederick sent a photo of Det. 7 6922nd Security Wing USAFSecurity Service from 1960.  Added March 27, 2009.

*John Sari sent me 34 more 1966 photos, and they have been added to his existing page.   Added March 7, 2009

*Add 85 photos from Skip "Strawberry" Hill who was TDY from England AFB to Korat's 388 MMS (Bomb Dump) in 1973. Added March 3, 2009.

*Angelo Guerrero sent 10 photos along.  He was an early assignee to Korat. Added March 2, 2009.

*Add the 2008 Guestbook entries in pdf form on the Guestbook page. Feb. 25, 2009

*Removed the Talkinator Chat Box on the Communicate Page.  Never saw anyone "talk"! Removed Feb. 25, 2009

*Added the page for David Worthen, 388th SPS 72-73 Fire Direction Center.  January 7, 2009.

What's New?

Archive of Updates from 1998 through 2008